Sunday, March 6, 2011

Spring Break Road Trip.

Well. I don't have a lot of time.

Bethany, Lindsay, and I are in PA! FINALLY!!!!! We spent about 9 hours in the car yesterday to get here. We were greeted by the very hospitable Mr. and Mrs. Britton. The food at the Britton house is out of control. They are SOOO wonderful! We ended our evening by hot tubbing. For hours. So relaxing. Good conversation. Then Bethany and I cuddled up in Andrea (Lindsay's sister's) bed.

I want to talk about our day today, but it hasn't even hardly begun. So that will just have to wait until later.

But here is one of the videos we made in the car. To watch the other ones - check out Bethany's blog!

More to come.


  1. It looks like you girls are having fun :) I like you all!! Keep telling me about your spring break, please. don't stop.
