Monday, January 23, 2012

So Many New Things

I have just been a great mood today. So many things are going on, and God is totally moving. I feel humbled. After many weeks of praying and processing, I have entered this new relationship with Ben. There are fears and unknowns that can be overwhelming if I think about them long enough. However, there is also this powerful peace that I feel. I am excited for what is in store. I am excited for all that both of us will learn. I am going to need to learn how to trust and not become paralyzed by fear, but I can already say that I have learned so much in that department. I am grateful for Ben's patience with me as I work through these thoughts. He got me these- 

Also, this just in as of 9:00 this morning - I am going to Kenya in May! I still can't believe it. I am shocked. I originally wanted to go to Sierra Leone and had planned on that for several weeks, so when the trip was cancelled, I had a hard time. I was confused because I really felt like I was getting pulled to Africa, and so I just gave up on planning my nursing practicum for a while. Then last week, it just kind of happened! I was told that the six spots had been filled, and they were going to try and get me on the team. I had to wait all weekend (good thing I am getting real good at patience!) and then found out this morning that it had worked out, and I made spot number 7! So CRAZY! Through this, I think God has just been teaching me that He can move and have His way without me having to pray over every detail. I felt a little panicked when I realized that I was agreeing to a trip that I know nothing about and have hardly prayed about, but in reality, God knows my heart and I think He has been calling me to Africa for a few months now. He doesn't need my prayer or processing to move. So now I am just excited! 

ARD letters for next year come out in two days. That is something I have spent a lot of time praying about, so I am excited to see what the final call is going to be. No matter what - I know and have felt God's hand at work in that area of my life as well. 

Gramma is getting a pacemaker tomorrow. I am hoping this will give her more energy and be the final answer that the doctors will need to help her feel better. 

And I have just felt so blessed to have the opportunity to live with Paige during this season of her life. She has been so encouraging to me, and I don't think I tell her that enough. I have been so proud to watch her follow God's path and lead her girls as they themselves follow God and discover themselves this year. She is doing such a great job. 

I'm going to Kenya?! What?!?!?!? 


  1. Did you write that last paragraph to make me cry?!?!?!?! Oh boy. I love you. Can't wait till you come home honey. haha

  2. I didn't even know you read my blog these days.
